Rhythmic Editing
Rhythmic editing refers to editing a sequence of recordings so that they flow together to the beat of the soundtrack, meaning that every time there is a beat the shot will change to a different recording. By doing this the video is made to match the chosen soundtrack in an effort to create rhythm and continuity.
Run through of the creation of a rhythmic edit:
1. When creating my own rhythmic edit, I used Final Cut Pro. Firstly we chose our song (Willy Moon - Yeah). I thought this song was appropriate because the beat of it is playful and ranges throughout the song, this offers a chance to film a variety of different clip as well as how long they all last. After importing the rest of our film recordings, we dragged the file from my desktop to Final Cut Pro and locked it. Finally, I rendered it (Alt + R):
2. Secondly, I added a 'Slug' - A blank piece of video that runs through the music video, but is changed by the chosen clips and editing used in /3. I widened the slug and dragged it above the music file then dropped it.
3. After this I pressed the space bar to play the song; whilst holding (ctrl) down, every time there was a beat I would hit the V key. This split up the Slug into lots of small clips that can be replaced with my own and match the the pace of the song.
4. To replace the blank pieces of video and replace them with our own we clicked on the first small Slug clip and selected one of our own from the imported files on the top left. By dragging the point through the video until we found the 'perfect shot'. We then clicked the blue button at the bottom of the top, right-hand screen which would then replace the blank clip with the chosen clip. By then pressing the down arrow, the next blank clip would be selected. The above steps were be repeated until the video was complete with our own footage.
5. Once all of the steps have been completed, the video should flow to the rhythm of the song. To watch it through, simply press the space bar.
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